Prepare for Pregnancy Protocol

Be guided by board certified fertility specialists, Dr. Kara & Dr. Hillary 

Prepare for Pregnancy Protocol

Be guided by board certified fertility specialists, Dr. Kara & Dr. Hillary 

For women and couples who want a clinically tested, natural approach to fertility… without having to do it alone.

… get access to information we’ve learned in over 30 years as natural fertility doctors

… transform your body into the healthiest soil it can be to grow new life
The Protocol addresses hidden causes of infertility often overlooked by doctors… 

And it’s changed the lives of thousands of our patients over the years.
❤💕❤ PLUS we have the baby photos and thank you cards to prove it
  • ​Be guided by two Natural Fertility Experts for 30 days - you receive their most important teachings learned over 20+years of experience
  • LIVE ​Q&A with Dr. Kara & Dr. Hillary in weekly group calls
  • ​​Digital Course with HOURS of important information for your fertility  
  •   You will know exactly what to eat and how    to best prepare your body for pregnancy
  • ​Guided Meditations to Reduce Stress & Support Your Fertility


The Live program starts Monday, October 24'th.

Transform your whole-body health with life-changing results

Here are just a few examples of what our patients have achieved…
Names are changed to maintain the confidentiality of our clients. 

I want to thank you Hillary for being a juicy, caring & loving and beautiful woman. It was amazing to spend this time with you. Thank you for imparting all of your wonderful knowledge. There are so many incredible recommendations that I’m taking with me from this program. I feel like I understand my body better because of your insightful explanations & thru experimenting with my body & food.  
Dr. Hillary!!! What can I say? You are such a life-changer. This program made me really take a close look at my eating habits and galvanized me to get back to proper eating. I hope you continue to provide knowledge, light and love to those around you. What a gift you are to so many! I want to also thank you for your valuable time, thoughtful input, and vibrant energy. Thank you for sharing your personal experience with all of us and and for being so inclusive. ❤️❤️❤️

"To me this has been a game changer. I went to my OB and she said, " just try" and offered no other advice. I knew I wanted to do things proactive for my fertility - but didn't know what. I am 38 - I want to know how to get pregnant and what to do. This was the perfect program to get me on track".    
-  Jackie 
"I loved the coaching and support - I was missing this so much from my OB."  
- Amanda
"The emotional support/community helped so much with my stress." 
- Candice 
"The Prepare for Pregnancy Program has been worth every penny. They provide so much wonderful information and have really helped me feel more empowered with my own health

All of the information they give is stuff you can use in your everyday day life. I have told everyone I know about how amazing this program is and even if you aren’t trying to get pregnant you learn how to live a healthier lifestyle."
- Ashley
"I listened to the material in my car- it was such a great course - so helpful! 
- Adelle
"I believed that these dietary changes would help my fertility, but I didn't expect to feel much different otherwise. So I was absolutely shocked to find that I felt so much better within days. 

Now, my brain is less foggy, my mood is better and more positive, I have more energy throughout the day, and I've been sleeping better

And even though I'm eating all those healthy fats, I've actually lost a few pounds. I wish I'd made these changes years ago!
"Q & A time with the doctors was so important for me." 
- Erin


... is a 30-day pre-pregnancy cleanse and lifestyle transformation that teaches you the specific steps you can take to naturally support your reproductive system, improve your overall health, and feel truly seen and supported on every step of your fertility journey.

You'll learn...
  • The common environmental toxins you’re likely coming into contact with every day that are scientifically proven to cause reproductive harm
  • Exactly how diet can impact your reproductive system — and what foods you should be avoiding for a successful conception
  • The truth about nutrient deficiencies and pregnancy (hint: vitamins aren’t always enough!)
  • ​How to support eggs and sperm for a healthy baby
  • ​What modern doctors often overlook when it comes to fertility


The Live program starts Monday, October 24'th.

Dr. Kara’s Story
When I was about 20, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I had to get two surgeries to remove the massive cyst, and I eventually had to get one of my ovaries removed.

Doctors told me I would probably be infertile. When I eventually decided to try to become pregnant, I had 5 miscarriages.

It was a dark time in my life. I was completely heartbroken. I felt like no one could help me, and I couldn’t talk about it with anyone because most of my friends were successfully getting pregnant and having babies.

So I suffered in silence.

If I had known then what I know now about natural fertility support, I believe I would have been able to naturally conceive my first child.

Now I know how depleted my body was from the endometriosis, years of hormone imbalance, and exposure to environmental toxins. But at the time, I turned to the only potential solution I could.

I went to an IVF clinic.
Without the support of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbs, and dietary changes, the IVF might not have worked for me.

Which is why I believe so strongly that the natural fertility work we do can be life-changing, even for women on the IVF path. Because that was me.

After years of studying naturopathic fertility support, my body was able to heal itself and I became pregnant with my daughter completely naturally.

That’s why I always ask women: Why not do everything you can to support your body during the process, and turn it into the best soil possible for life to grow?

Most doctors would never look at my case of severe endometriosis and think I could naturally conceive.

I’ll never forget how painful my experience with infertility was. The heartbreak of miscarriages. The false hope. Trying everything under the sun and having no results. And the awful physical pain from the endometriosis.

Learning firsthand how chaotic IVF can be, the constant medication changes and doctor appointments, the painful progesterone shots, not to mention all the stress… that all put me on the path I’m on today.

Now, I have 2 beautiful healthy children and I’ve dedicated my life to helping other women get pregnant naturally!
Dr. Hillary’s Story
I was the girl who never got her period. When I was 22, a doctor told me I had PCOS and would likely be infertility.

I had been taking the pill, but now I realized that I’d been covering up a problem instead of trying to get to the bottom of why I didn’t have a period in the first place. 

It felt like no one was helping me to figure this out.

And it was so frustrating to feel like I couldn’t do a very basic thing the body is supposed to do — have a regular period and get pregnant.

It was hopeless and terrifying. I had an overwhelming sense that I didn’t understand what my body was telling me.
Watching everyone around me get pregnant didn’t help... and all the guilt that came with struggling to feel happy for other people when all I wanted was a baby of my own.

And it seemed like nothing I was doing was working.

So I turned to a naturopathic doctor for homeopathic remedies.

I started regulating my cycle. I changed my diet. I balanced out the hormonal imbalances that were caused by the PCOS.

When I wanted to get pregnant, my cycles were three months long. So trying to figure out when I was ovulating was difficult. 

I had already known I would want to get pregnant one day, so I had started doing all this work a year in advance.

And when it was time to get pregnant, my body was ready.

I got pregnant, naturally!

That’s when I switched my focus from psychiatry to become a naturopathic doctor instead. I knew I wanted to spend my life helping other women naturally conceive the same way I had.

I’ll never forget how terrifying, confusing, and lonely it was to struggle with infertility. To feel like I couldn’t trust my body. And the shame and horror I felt when doctors told me me, a health-conscious 22 year old, that I would probably never get pregnant.

Now, years after all the natural fertility work I did, I’m grateful to have 3 healthy teenagers!

Since then…

We’ve spent a combined 30 years helping other women in our natural fertility clinics.

And we’ve developed scientifically-supported plans for helping women to support the quality and health of their eggs.

We want to give you everything we’ve learned over the years.

The PREPARE FOR PREGNANCY PROTOCOL leads you every step of the way toward a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby.


What if I'm really busy? How much of a commitment is this program?

You can log in anytime you can listen to the videos or watch them as it works for you. There are no assignments, just inspiration and suggestions for easy changes in your days. There is about 2.5-3 hours of video time and time to review the handouts. We will have Zoom meetings during the program - but they will all be recorded and you can watch them on your own time (or skip it).  
Should I wait to see if I get pregnant easily? Why prepare?

The Prepare for Pregnancy Protocol is designed to make sure you have your body in the best shape possible to get pregnant. You will also learn some things you can do to potentially prevent issues in your baby.
What if I don't cook?

No need to cook. You'll learn what to look for and avoid in prepared food and takeout food. We'll also suggest some places to have food delivered that fits the protocol.  
What if I am working with a fertility doctor?

Great! The course was designed to teach you all the things that will not be addressed by your doctor. In addition, the self care and stress management sections in the program are perfect for those going through fertility treatments 
What if I am doing IUI?

Wonderful! This program can be done concurrently with IUI procedures. You will learn important dietary and lifestyle factors that you will want to keep for your pregnancy and while nursing.
What if I am taking medications to help me get pregnant? Will this interfere?

Nope. This program will not interfere with fertility drugs and may help you avoid common side effects. As always, you would want to avoid taking anything without talking to your doctor.
What if I am already healthy?

Perfect. This protocol will help you focus specifically on fertility and get your body ready for pregnancy.
What if I travel for work?

This entire program is do-able while traveling. Plus, you will likely really benefit from the advice on food choice and stress management.
Does this help PCOS?

Oh yes. The movement, stress reduction, and food sections address the diet and lifestyle factors known to help PCOS.
Does this help endometriosis?

Since endometriosis is an inflammatory condition, woman can see real benefit with this protocol.

Can this guarantee results?

This protocol is a way for Dr. Kara and Dr. Hillary to share the best practices they’ve learned from helping thousands of women conceive over the years. There’s no way to guarantee that anyone will get pregnant from this protocol. Everyone’s body is different, and everyone’s situation is different. It’s worked for thousands of other women, and it may work for you, too.

Can’t I just figure this out on my own?

Dr. Kara’s and Dr. Hillary’s approach to natural fertility is on the cutting edge. They combine modern science with traditional Chinese medicine, over 30 years of clinical experience in their private practices, and their own experiences with infertility to create a course that is bursting with knowledge that you won’t find anywhere else.

While they often reference scientific studies in their work, the combination of science with decades of in-clinic experience is something you won’t find anywhere else.

Do I need to attend any live calls to be in this program?

Nope! Everything is pre-recorded, which means you can watch it entirely at your own pace and you don’t have to worry about being around at certain times.

Can I work with the doctors one-on-one?

Yes! The doctors are available for private consultations by appointment. See "work with the doctors" on the cultivate fertility website.

Copyright 2020 Cultivate Fertility

Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice experience by the authors. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians or nutritionists affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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